Removal of Essure Implants

What is this procedure?

Essure implants can often be associated with pelvic pain, which at times may warrant their removal.

Our steps for effective and safe laparoscopic removal technique consist of the following:
  1. Injecting Vasopressin through the abdominal wall into uterine cornua, via a spinal needle to decrease blood profusion to the operative site.
  2. Use of a vessel sealer device to coagulate and dissect the mesosalpinx to access the cornua and expose the implants.
  3. Use of gentle traction, open-and-spread, and twisting technique to remove the implants.
  4. Completion of the salpingectomy only after the implants have been entirely removed.

What do I do now?

A/Prof Reyftmann is one of the few practitioners offering removal of essure implants in the Illawarra, and is very experienced. He would be happy to provide further information if desired. If you think these issues relate to you and you wish to organise a personal consultation please call (02) 4227 6589 to make an appointment.